There are many bad credit personal loan lenders out there. You see them everywhere. You see them on the internet, in your neighborhoods and on television. They have a reputation for being a last resort for many borrowers. Many of these types of lenders offer exuberant interest rates and terms because they feel their borrowers have no other choice. Here at HPD Loans we take a different approach. We understand you are not just a credit score and offer a reasonable and fair alternative.
Bad credit can be an overwhelming disadvantage for anyone trying to get a loan. Everywhere you turn for financial help the first thing you get asked is, “how’s your credit?” Frequently bad credit can be the result of unavoidable life situations. It probably does not reflect the real you, but it still is used to judge your ability to repay. But if you need a loan to get you through a bad situation, we have the solution for you.
You Are Important
What separates us from other bad credit personal loan lenders is we treat you with respect. At HPD Loans we want your borrowing experience to be the best regardless of your credit history. Our fees are competitive and our process simple. If you have a job and a bank account you can qualify for a bad credit loan with us. Other bad credit personal loan lenders might put you through a complex process to lend you money. HPD Loans makes it easy.
Rebuilding Your Credit
Just like the bank, bad credit personal loan lenders report your loan to credit services. But if they put you in a position where you will fail to repay the loan it will only make things worse. We do the opposite for you. We will explain the fees clearly. There are no surprises when you do business with us at HPD Loans.
When you pay your loan back it helps to rebuild your credit and that makes us happy. We want our clients to benefit from doing business with us. In our eyes you are not a customer, you are a respected member.
Economical and Easy
Many bad personal credit loan lenders see you as an opportunity. When they look at you all they see is an opportunity for high fees. At HPD loans we take a different view point. We know sometimes people just make mistakes. And we don’t believe you should have to constantly suffer because of those mistakes. Our bad credit personal loans are tailored to provide you with a means for meeting your financial obligations, without putting you farther into debt. We see your loan as a partnership and we only want to help you.